Sunday, February 5, 2012

Media Response #4

I'm pretty sure Allie (of Hyperbole and a Half) and I have some sort of spiritual connection. There's not a post of hers I haven't read without thinking "I relate to this. I relate so hard."
The tale of the Alot was the first thing I read.
I laughed. I cried from laughing. I spammed my friends with links.
It changed my life. Mainly by preventing me from ever typing "alot" outside of discussions about mythical beasts.
I am anxiously awaiting her book. It'll be the first unassigned, non-digital-actually-printed reading I will have done in quite a while.

I must add, for those who haven't read her entire blog yet, the Simple Dog stories are by far the most impressive. Those, or "Shower Products for Men".

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