Friday, February 10, 2012

A Good Lead is Hard to Find

Romney's outsider message at odds with deep D.C. connections

He paints his rivals as creatures of Washington, but he enjoys establishment support.

I'll admit, there weren't many good leads to choose from - most were just bare-bones information. This one, from msnbc, at least used a bit of imagery to set the tone. The "establishments" are not named, but they are presented as the main point of the article. A reader gets the main idea of the article by reading the headline & lead, but in order to discover the specifics must read beyond that.

It isn't limited to the cold hard facts. The language used sets the scene, and it's not the prettiest one - "outsider", "deep connections", and "creatures" make Washington DC akin to Gotham City. The lines point out hypocrisy in Romney's campaign, and the image of a corrupt Washington applies to him as well without being stated outright.

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